For me, Terraforming Mars. I love the theme. The complexity is just the right amount without being overwhelming. And engine building is fun. There are also tons of different paths to take.

    2 years ago

    Well, I did not finish the campaign, just tried the first missions and have not followed the patches after that. As you said, it has its very rewarding moments too, but I love campaign games and inmerse myself in the stories and I just felt like I was losing people, sanity or limbs in every event because of dice, without a chance to mitigate it. At the end of the game I was not happy or relaxed, I guess the atmosphere of despair is very well done XD. The battles can be swingy too, but strategy can mitigate some of it. So not really and issue with the game itself but with how it makes me feel, if that makes sense.

      2 years ago

      Well, yeah. The atmosphere of dispair is intentional. And it is entirely reasonable to get a full settlement wipe in the first attempt because resources have a snowball effect and regularly losing to monsters (or just wasting resources) will lead to you being underprepared for later on. After a certain point, you are forced to choose level 3 hunts, and are frankly dead-without-knowing-it if you aren’t ready for those (though, I can’t imagine surviving the “game over” fight prior to that if you’re not ready for level 3 hunts)

      If you think of it as the settlement being your main character, however, it’s a lot less terrible. But still brutal because yes, sanity and body parts go flying in a heartbeat. And there’s at least one or two “if _____ all 4 survivors immediately die” ultra-rare moments that are pretty terrible (but usually salvageable)