For me, Terraforming Mars. I love the theme. The complexity is just the right amount without being overwhelming. And engine building is fun. There are also tons of different paths to take.

    2 years ago

    Well, yeah. The atmosphere of dispair is intentional. And it is entirely reasonable to get a full settlement wipe in the first attempt because resources have a snowball effect and regularly losing to monsters (or just wasting resources) will lead to you being underprepared for later on. After a certain point, you are forced to choose level 3 hunts, and are frankly dead-without-knowing-it if you aren’t ready for those (though, I can’t imagine surviving the “game over” fight prior to that if you’re not ready for level 3 hunts)

    If you think of it as the settlement being your main character, however, it’s a lot less terrible. But still brutal because yes, sanity and body parts go flying in a heartbeat. And there’s at least one or two “if _____ all 4 survivors immediately die” ultra-rare moments that are pretty terrible (but usually salvageable)