Yeah, I can’t see it either. I mean, there are/were Republicans who thought RAtM wasn’t about them, so I’m sure there are some old bigoted people who are Trek fans. I can’t imagine it being a lot.
Yeah, I can’t see it either. I mean, there are/were Republicans who thought RAtM wasn’t about them, so I’m sure there are some old bigoted people who are Trek fans. I can’t imagine it being a lot.
I haven’t read it yet. I’ll put it on the pile.
I’d edge out Mistborn with Stormlight. But not by much, the freaking Stormlight books are in such need of a heavy handed editor. The second Mistborn books are probably better than the first, but being first always influences me more as an introduction to a new world.
Haha, the dwarf and hobbit had me laughing.
The algorithm might be targeting you. I haven’t seen any of those people/channels.
The pressure to fill the vacuum. I get that too. How are you liking the “new” Futurama? Feels exactly like the old Futurama to me.
Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.
I hate Apple, but I’m not going to pretend that a lot of other phones are as unfixable, or close to.
Robertson would like a word.
The code it gives me generally just throws me into the debug stage, skipping right over the me writing buggy code stage.
Loops Loops are a complicated relic of archaic programming languages. In DreamBerd, there are no loops. Installation To install DreamBerd to your command line, first install the DreamBerd installer. To install the DreamBerd installer, install the DreamBerd installer installer.
Haha, this is a great README.