hi dear community,
I am looking for a zen-like flight game on the switch, just like Pilotwings Resort was on the 3DS.
After countles hours searching the net I could not find anything that I would consider buying… The game should have a free-flight mode, no other requirements.
Do you guys know a hidden gem?
thank you in advance for the help!
I can’t think of any but I’d love to get one if you get good responses to this question. Pilotwings was great on N64.
Don’t know that it’s necessarily what you’re looking for but Feather is basically an open world flying game and is very chill.
I looked into that one, unfortunately it does not seem like something I would enjoy. Thank you for your suggestion however!
https://superflightgame.com ticks all the requirements. Except I don’t think they released it for switch. But it’s still great via steam remote play
I will keep it on my list if it ever releases for the switch. Thank you!