I would love an AP set entirely in another plane. 2e has little content outside Golarion, but with Elemental Planes being a big part of Rage of Elements, it would be nice to see an adventure set in another plane of existence.
I’d like to see some APs which explore new areas of Golarion (released along with related Lost Omens settings) like Arcadia or include updated rules such as naval combat or technological items.
I’d love an AP that deals with plane hopping, but also Astral Planar stuff, similar to Spelljammer. Though I suppose that’s what Starfinder is.
I guess I just want a Starfinder 2e
Every time there’s a big Paizo announcement coming up for Starfinder I get far too hyped, hoping for a Starfinder 2e announcement. I love the idea of Starfinder, but having looked at the rules I don’t really want to play it until it get updated.
I think they’re gearing up for it. I think the Starfinder Remastered is their way of pre-playtest playtesting before they actually announce anything.
That being said, as someone who grew up on 3.5 and PF1e and now plays PF2e, I loathe the ruleset for Starfinder, not because it’s a terrible ruleset (it is), but because I can never keep track of which system the rule I need in the moment is supposed to be from. I love the writing of their PFS scenarios and APs, though, so I’m really hoping for a polished SF2e to be announced soon.
Throne Dude centric AP would be fun. If you’re unaware, at the start of the universe, Pharasma walked along the Seal in a big spiral, and from that path came 8 deities. Asmodeus & his brother, Desna, Sarenrae, Achaekek etc, etc. One of them, Throne Dude, walked on past something called the eclipse, but since Death wasn’t conceived before Ihys was murdered, he got bound to a throne instead. Hence the name “Throne dude”.
We’re missing a core god, and it’s not Aroden!
Is there somewhere I can read more about this missing god?
https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6sgzu?The-Windsong-Testaments-The-Three-Fears-of#discuss The windsong testaments is the only place I know of that refers to him, you might be able to pull some insights from the comments in this thread. Some folks speculate that he’s the Oinodaemon.
I’d love to see another pirate/sailing adventure. PF1e had skulls and shackles, but 2e is currently missing something to fulfill the same fantasy.
That being said, the ship should stay relevant until the end, not be thrown away like the circus in extinction curse.