For me, Terraforming Mars. I love the theme. The complexity is just the right amount without being overwhelming. And engine building is fun. There are also tons of different paths to take.

    2 years ago


    Artstyle and world building are phenomenal. The setting with big robots and steampunk are just my thing.

    The gameplay is easy enough to pick it up fast, yet complex enough for deep strategies.

    It has some twists i really like, first of all the ressource management, and that you are always able to steal other players ressources. I like the combat mechanics, being super simple, but with a mix of known and unknown variables super exciting.

    Asynchronous abilities are a standard right now, i think, but Scythe does it really well: pretty small rule-changes in the race abilities make for a very different play style. Pretty big changes in the mech-abilities complement that play-style really well.