This seems to be posted on this forum with that title solely for rage-bait.
She clearly just-for-fun redesigned Wikipedia as if a modern company got a hold of it. Yes of course this would drive people in this forum up a wall, but that’s just not the point. This is also not about programming at all?
Don’t go around looking for content of other creators just to take it out of context and then bash it.
This is like you watched “we made marvel r-rated” from corridor digital (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=k5-3eujJyZE) and then post about it, being pissed how they destroyed a superhero fantasy aimed at a wide audience and children and how noone would ever want something like that.
Calling her a bad designer just because you disagree with her design decisions is just mean. This entire post just makes it seem like you are specifically looking for things to hate…
This seems incredibly interesting, but the idea of a ‘general purpose syncing service’, in the way he describes it, makes my head scream’security concern’. In general the way it’s described the format is not fixed for these services so your data might as well be encrypted in any arbitrary way I think?
But knowing this wouldn’t this kind of general purpose syncing service need some way of identifying what data it is even syncing? Unless you encooperate something grand like the signal protocol (as in encrypted anonymous messaging) you d always run a security risk if the service you use for syncing is not self-controlled?
If anyone has more insight on this I’d be very interested, it seems like a very good concept.
It sounds to me like anything other than p2p local syncing with some protocol is a confidentiality no-go.