I use Magic Trackpad for work, and mouse for gaming. The Magic Trackpad is the superior input device for productivity work.
I use Magic Trackpad for work, and mouse for gaming. The Magic Trackpad is the superior input device for productivity work.
I would love to have multiple Mac monitors, and hopefully this limitation is overcome at some point. But I think the short term solution might be using native apps for safari, slack, teams, and whatever else has a native app available, and using the singular Mac window for the IDE.
If they did not setup Legacy contacts (people who can access their account after their death), you will need to either gain access by resetting passwords, or via court order.
The attorney handling the probate might help you, or you can try the legal aids that work with that courthouse.
And as an aside, don’t forget to setup your own legacy contacts now and possibly get your parents to do it now. Having gone through this a couple times recently, it was very nice to have the legacy contact access. Made everything simple.
Interesting, tried this one a couple times but it never really seemed to stick with our crowd. Its been a while, maybe it is worth a revisit.
I didn’t realize how many worker placement games I own until I started going through them. These are the ones I would recommend:
Some have said Agricola, I’m iffy on if this is actual a worker placement, to me it is more turn based, with the “workers” just representing taken spots. But, if we are counting Agricola, then I would of course put in for Agricola, but argue highly for its much better cousin–La Harve.
Just to second this take: My experience is that initial app review gets failed for random reasons that you have to be ready to argue about. Then in updates to the app, the developer can do pretty much whatever you want without any consequences.