Appreciate your question. I think that this is a good use case for the Repository Pattern.
In your case, this might look something like this:
TicketRepository, ScheduleRepository and TimerRepository interfaces which have their functions like create(), read(), update(), delete(), complexQueryByManyParams() etc. All your domain code should expect and operate on these interfaces.
FirebaseTicketStore, FirebaseScheduleStore, FirebaseTimerStore classes which implement the respective interfaces. All your logic that relates to Firebase should be encapsulated here.
You can later safely do things like swap out a FirebaseTicketStore with a MysqlTicketStore
Off topic, but personally I don’t feel you should worry too much about having to change the database in the future. I have rarely seen it happen in my career.
Hello. Appreciate your question. I think that this is a good use case for the Repository Pattern.
In your case, this might look something like this:
You can consult the Design Patterns / Gang of Four book for more details
Off topic, but personally I don’t feel you should worry too much about having to change the database in the future. I have rarely seen it happen in my career.