Interesting. I no longer travel or commute as much as I used to so my QC35s are still perfectly OK for the occasions I do. Interesting to know about the others on the market.
Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.
Interesting. I no longer travel or commute as much as I used to so my QC35s are still perfectly OK for the occasions I do. Interesting to know about the others on the market.
Do they block outside sound though
They have noise cancellation that works well enough for me (they have more advanced newer versions, but I see no reason to upgrade now). When I first tried my friend’s before buying, I complained he ruined the world for me because I never knew how much background could be cut out, heh.
Yeah, the condensation is inevitable and does need to go somewhere. I don’t know where it goes with mine, but the headphones keep on working.
That’s insane. I have the same Bose over-the-ear (I can’t stand in-ear) headphones for years. They have been to the gym with me, jogging, and just existing in a humid, Tokyo summer for the last 5.5 years and have zero electronic issues. I did replace the exterior cushiony bit twice now, but the actual electronics are fine.
Days since last timezone incident: -1
Same. I work primarily in Go and a little bit of Rust these days, but I still throw together a Perl script every year or two to automate something without needing to install something else on the machine or whatnot.