If one was from France and the other was from Portugal, they missed an opportunity to meet in the middle and speak Andorian/Andorran. He could still read her poetry but without all the ducking involved in Klingon courtship.
If one was from France and the other was from Portugal, they missed an opportunity to meet in the middle and speak Andorian/Andorran. He could still read her poetry but without all the ducking involved in Klingon courtship.
Those Dubliner jokes are awfully cheesy, unlike the munster comedygold coming out of Kerry.
And you don’t want to do the chainsaw dance of contrition after failing to pay your host the courtesy of synchronizing your chronometers with their planet’s capital city.
I was walking around the Iowa State Fair for an hour last summer before I realized I was whistling the theme to the Millennial Fair.
They are warning the kibble in Sto-bowl-kor that a great meal is about to arrive. The food in the bowl is only an empty shell now; the humans should treat it as such and dispose of it.