Technically, I think the ability to sign enterprise apps (ie. Apps that can be side loaded for your company) cost $399/year.
Technically, I think the ability to sign enterprise apps (ie. Apps that can be side loaded for your company) cost $399/year.
Agreed. It’s an awesome feature, but Apple isn’t likely to do the work to replace crappy enterprise software. Those software companies spend lots of time developing central management consoles (is everyone up to date?), they provide “reports” to show that the company is compliant to a ton of requirements (ie. SOX compliance), and other features that describe exactly what their software protects against. While none of those tools provide benefits to the end user, companies dig that crap.
And just to be pedantic, if it’s a newer MacBook, then the included cable is a “MagSafe” cable, which has USB-C on one end and a magnetic rectangle to plug in to charge. (You can still do regular USB-C charging if you want)
Getting a CD on the N64 would have allowed for some cooler videos in the middle of the game (and would probably have made things cheaper for developers), but, in my opinion, the thing that really killed the N64 is the tiny (4k) texture cache combined with high latency RAM on the system.
That’s why N64 games have a “look” that can be easily identified.