I guess he’s seeing the existence of trans women as proof of his theory.
“Trans women are trying to replace RealTM women” is a surprisingly common TERF talking point.
I guess he’s seeing the existence of trans women as proof of his theory.
“Trans women are trying to replace RealTM women” is a surprisingly common TERF talking point.
Yep. They leave us alone so we’ll function as a control group. This way contact can later point at us and go “look! That’s what happens if we don’t intervene!”
Noone was trying to force that on them though, the actual reason IIRC correctly that Idirans had a religious imperative for expansion, and the Culture had a moral imperative to prevent other sentients’ suffering at the hands of the Idirans.
IMO he mostly sidestepped the issue by clarifying that this is NOT a future version of “us”
That is a beautiful comparison. Terrifying, but beautifully fitting.
I read Stross right after Banks. I think if I hadn’t, I’d be an AI-hype-bro. Banks it the potential that could be, Stross is what we’ll inevitably turn AI into.
Oh, alright. The original creator works for Microsoft (presumably on Linux related things?), but systemd itself is still OSS
(As in, could you kindly elaborate?)
This is the first mention of Accelerando I’ve seen in the wild. (Assuming it is. I’m not sure.)
The company I work at uses selfhosted Mattermost. Granted, we’re <50 Employees, so I don’t know how well it scales for larger companies.
Oh, uh, I got this: trans women are part of the gay agenda. You see, Alpha Males like him would obviously not go quietly into the women-less night, so the Gays have cooked up a devious plan to turn all men gay via trans women subbing in for RealTM women, so that once the time comes, men won’t have a problem with getting rid of women! It’s the perfect, devious plan! It explains everything, from why there’s suddenly more trans women to only further proving his theory right!
Remember, it doesn’t have to make sense in the real world, only in his own twisted mind.