If this is for 24/7 use, don’t do USB drives. The problem, typically, is that the SATA->USB chipsets will, at some point, shit themselves and you’ll have random things crashing or even data loss.
They’re really just not designed for constant load, and a server-esque workload is just asking for shit to break at random and data to be lost.
And yes, I know lots of people use them like this, but this is very much a case of it’s perfectly fine until it’s not.
If this is for 24/7 use, don’t do USB drives. The problem, typically, is that the SATA->USB chipsets will, at some point, shit themselves and you’ll have random things crashing or even data loss.
They’re really just not designed for constant load, and a server-esque workload is just asking for shit to break at random and data to be lost.
And yes, I know lots of people use them like this, but this is very much a case of it’s perfectly fine until it’s not.