I just made a Dremel safety jig in tinkercad for work. Fairly simple to work with and it’ll get the job done for sure, but editing parts later can be a bit of a pain
I just made a Dremel safety jig in tinkercad for work. Fairly simple to work with and it’ll get the job done for sure, but editing parts later can be a bit of a pain
I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these o:
So it’s like a hallway for wires and the bars can pass them through should you not want to go the whole length?
Mine are all named after mythological creatures. It started with my tower being named Cerberus because it had 3 red LED fans and then just kept up from there. Hydra, Thoth, manticore, chimera. I’m deploying Baba Yaga this week, and Ratatoskr will be up eventually
You could make a second part that’s always screwed into the screwy bit and then remix the new cap to pop into that!