1 year agoAbsolutely delicious, thank you for asking. I’ve been very fortunate and had a lot of help.
Absolutely delicious, thank you for asking. I’ve been very fortunate and had a lot of help.
Left two jobs in the last 3 years because they offered remote and then tried to claw it back. If I ever set foot in an office again it’ll be too soon.
I also tend to check in with myself on Sunday nights as I’m lying in bed. If I feel like I’m walking into a good situation the next morning, with good problems to solve and a decent chance of actually solving them, then I stick around. If I’m filled with dread awaiting the next off-hours disaster, I brush up my resume and flip the flag on LinkedIn.
Rikers dig a ship’s counselor with money. At least the kind of Rikers that’d double down on a Lt Commander like me do.
It’s interesting to note that the author delineates “lawyer-readable” as different from “human-readable”. Denotatively, of course, this makes perfect sense. Connotatively, it’s rather brutal.