I didn’t realize pip and venv didn’t work… that’s a pretty big deal breaker for a lot of people, myself included.
I didn’t realize pip and venv didn’t work… that’s a pretty big deal breaker for a lot of people, myself included.
Thank you, this kind of puts it in perspective
Hah indeed
Pnw, usa
USA, two creality cr10sprov2’s with tiny machines firmware and upgrades. I sold the first one for $250 I think Might have been $225 I can’t remember as it was last year.
Interesting, I’ll give this a look, I’d make a throwaway email for that
It’s USA, two creality cr10sprov2 but with tiny machines firmware and upgrades. I was poking at nextdoor this morning, has anyone used that?
Oof, you won’t believe this but I don’t have a presence on any meta services.
But sounds like you’re probably right. Maybe I can get a friend to do it for me.
I think so too. But just isn’t working. I’ll try again
Yes, and printers with 300x300x400 build area are large and heavy
This is pretty accurate.
yeah I tried that, for some reason they failed to import with a vague error. Did I mention I have a craft fair to attend in two days? Cuz I do.
The ones you linked are for the troodon 2.0 which is ABSOLUTELY NOT THE SAME.
True story. I didn’t even touch on the various arch distro’s a did a touch and go on.
I had not heard about this but have looked into a few other solutions over the years. Is the idea here that you manually wind it to a spool? If so, that part would suuuuuck. I have a pallette 3d (broken btw) and made manual spools and it’s super tedious.
If you do get it though post back about your experience.
Thanks, yeah that’s where I’m at. I need one, but I need one that’s just a little bigger. And their print speed claims seem too high for a printer that isn’t core xy. Hard to argue with the price though. It probably is too good to be true.
Indeed, I do need the larger build space for the designs I need to print though, and the 340mm of the 06 is just a touch too small. Regarding the x axis bars, I see that now, I must have stumbled across a different picture yesterday that I can’t find now, because you’re right, I see it has an aluminum bar.
Thanks for the feedback
Ooof I’ve got a vivedono troodon (voron clone) and that thing is constantly breaking. It’s broken right now! I might just give the thing away if someone would come get it!
Compared to my Prusa where everything just works it’s not even close. The troodon is like a creality but without the cheap budget parts being widely available.
Does anyone know what slicer profiles exist for the sv08?