2 years ago- Pikmin 3 Deluxe
- Pikmin 4
- Super Smash Bros Ultimate
- Monster Hunter Rise
- Splatoon 3
Born in the early eighties, French nerd, anti-fascist, woke bloke and usually friendly.
I have kept most of my Nintendo systems, but I sold my GameCube and now I regret it.
Games are still playable on my Wii, but I would have modded the GC to load games from a sd card to make it more future proof, as the disk reading part is the most fragile.
Porting windwaker and twilight princess from WiiU to Switch would have been easy. I wonder why they have not done it yet.
I dusted off the WiiU to play Windwaker HD again. I’m just killing time before Pikmin 4.
You absolutely can start with 4. The worst thing that can happen is that you love it and are slightly disappointed when you try the first 3 games after 4. It could be worse.