Probably questions that can be answered by RTFM
Also a reminder for me to add IPv6 support for my personal site. I think most cloud providers are able to offer dual ipv4/v6 support if you ask for it/configure it.
Kind of cool if your production infrastructure can match. But for most companies (ie, Fortune 500 and some medium companies) implementing this would need a force majeure.
Decades of software rot, change in management, change in architecture, waxing and waning of software and hardware trends, half assed implementations, and good ole bottom tier software consultation/contractors brought into the mix make such things impossible to implement at scale.
Once worked at a company where their onprem infra was a mix of mainframe, ibm / dell proprietary crap, Oracle vendor locked, and some rhel/centos servers. Of course some servers were on different versions of the OS. So it was impossible to setup a development environment to replicate issues.
For the most part, that’s why I still use docker for most jobs. Much easier to pull in the right image, configure app deployment declaratively, and reproduce the bug(s). I would say 90% of the time it was reproducible. Before docker/containerization it was much less than that and we had to reproduce in some non production environment that was shared amongst team.
Hygieia — the goddess of cleanliness
If you are in your 20s, single, motivated, and good at interviewing, then I say go for it.
One retailer realized they were losing $700,000 a year per kilobyte of JavaScript, Russell said.
It’s a retailer so definitely lost sales or conversions
Wow you actually get logs from the other devs? I get fucking screenshots of abbreviated stack traces. Often not even the relevant portion of the stack trace or log.