1 year agoWorking for me.
I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok.
Working for me.
I take pictures. I use apps. I listen to podcasts. If I want to watch something I typically use my TV , laptop, or iPad. But I don’t want a monstrosity in my pocket. Insert penis size joke here
I found much better playlists on Spotify and you could make shared lists with friends. Those were the two biggest things I is.
There are exceptions and I think Apple Music is one of them. They’ve been playing catch up with Spotify. I only have Apple Music because it’s with the bundle of everything else.
Edit: grammar
It is cool but parallels has removed my need to dual boot.
Each has their place. I use Pixelmator, Affinity Designer, Sketch, and occasionally Gimp and Photoshop. Canva is really good at doing things like throwing together a flyer. I used to create social media posts for a pre-school and Canva was super easy to create templates that lay folks could edit. Virtually no learning curve.
Affinity is my vector tool of choice currently but these space seems to be a field with lots of options.