Some people put their whole lives on the internet and never once stop to think if it’s a good idea. Then again, online safety and security are never taught or communicated, at least in the west, maybe by design.
Some people put their whole lives on the internet and never once stop to think if it’s a good idea. Then again, online safety and security are never taught or communicated, at least in the west, maybe by design.
Hugo with a simple theme like book or paper should do it. Alternatively Jekyll or Docusaurus, in principle they’re all the same in that they process markdown files and dump out a static site.
Astro for a more feature rich “development” experience.
The switch to Forgejo is super easy, if you don’t mind everything being called “Gitea” you can just switch out the Docker image and carry on.
I just switched recently, maybe around version 1.19.
Forgejo is also working on federation which will give the system an advantage moving forwards. They’re also sticking with Gitea as an upstream source so reasonable changes Gitea makes should make their way to Forgejo pretty quickly.
Good that those things are taught in some places. I can only speak from my own experience in high school - we were required to have laptops for school but were never taught how to be safe online.