That’s a very weak argument. I get where you’re going with it. All moderns computers / devices are DRM first.
The PS4 and Xbox One and later are quite literally x86_64 architecture. They run either Windows NT kernel or Unix Kernel. Albeit custom OS variants that are functionally labelled “forks” for all intents and purposes. Games can be be ported between them and PC with ease due to this nature. They play movies and music whether it be streamed from an app, a DVD/CD, on a USB device or internal drive. They can browse the web using a web browser that’s part of the OS.
Traditional computers have had hardware based DRM for decades. There’s nothing really special about consoles having it too.
Consoles take the same approach as Apple has with iOS. They don’t want you doing anything with it that they haven’t approved. A walled garden to exert control.
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo just lobbied really hard and padded pockets to get their exclusion.