Too* young.
Too* young.
Its* library.
Pique* your interest
Not “peak.”
No. More like “Simpsons did it.”
Are you saying that the parent poster is giving incorrect information?
Edit: Oy, straight from their membership administration docs (emphasis mine):
Additionally, using the buttons below, you can delete the user, email the user’s password to him/her, (etc)
Got it. Thanks.
Crazy in what sense? Very little use or a lot of use?
Edit: why the downvote?
Thank you!
Thank you!
Fantastic! Thanks for this awesome context and explanation!
Edit: thank you all for delivering!
Someone please explain to a peasant like me?
Good point. I hadn’t thought of it that way. When my parents talked about the things they did when they were kids, I thought “gee, this is ancient history!”
Outrageous in what sense?
Is it really that retro if the games are inherently the same as today’s? Yes, yes, I know today’s games are much much better in terms of graphics, sound, AI, etc. But overall, many games are still 3D quests or 3D first person shooters.
Compared to, say, the Super Nintendo.
Not obsolete? More like prophetic.
Dayum! You got me!!
But this is not the Enterprise’s GUI. It’s a clickable alien ship.
I’m guessing you’re referring to home console games? Because arcade games of those times were awesome.
Nope. 2600 Star Raiders. Fight me.