I never knew it was a real thing. Always assumed it was some kind of legacy frozen and dead apis that systems keep insisting on saying they support “posix”. Well TIL.
I never knew it was a real thing. Always assumed it was some kind of legacy frozen and dead apis that systems keep insisting on saying they support “posix”. Well TIL.
It was the first time I experienced a game on a console breaking so much on intensive animated scenes. But it’s still a fun game.
And also first time I’ve caught such weird bugs like having 2 familiars at the same time. It was fun, but weird. Totally didn’t help with the frame drops when it happened since 2 swords flying and doing stuff was too much.
A dragon apocalypse finally.
It’s one of the first games people buy to get into the nintendo world. A fun simple game that anyone in the family can play. There aren’t that many games that entertaining for all ages with local multiplayer for casual quick gaming with friends or family.
It’s really understandable how successful the game is.
Now do scala :P
Isn’t this still a wildly popular game? Is it closing?
The amount of effort put together in this is astonishing.
Multiple levels of interviews for a job to eventually get money from a copy site.
The guide/tutorial has some specifics about things that are allowed in erlang vs js. There’s a few features that don’t work completely in one or another.
There’s no nice static strong typed language on the erlang vm. This is it.
If the console is to be 99% of the time attached to the living room tv, the inbuded screen matters almost zero.
My friend bought a new switch last week. Normal people don’t care or are watching or waiting for when a new console comes out.
I wish people would stop craving and talking about a potential switch 2. It’s useless. For those who want to game now the switch works fine, is good hardware, has lots of games and new ones keep coming and it keeps selling new consoles. They could not release a new switch for the next 5 years and it wouldn’t matter at all.
This is all about the nerds of the latest and hottest tech craving for something new. Most Nintendo players are not those type of people.
And it’s obvious that whatever comes next will fully support and run the current the games the existing switch, if not they wouldn’t be releasing new games for it.
So stay calm and keep playing.
Useless noise, so annoying.