The scenes in the isolation chamber in underwear applying gel to each other were totally unnecessary
I thought so at the time but later realized that was a key scene of the whole entire show. You missed a lot of the nuance. That was where T’pol developed her crush on Trip. Her crush on Trip was the only reason she became the first Vulcan to be able to stay aboard a human ship for longer than a few weeks. And T’pol’s presence on the ship advising Archer was what made Archer so successful in laying the groundwork of the entire federation.
but that fourth season was so damn good.
It was the best seaon of any Trek ever IMO.
I don’t think they had replicators. They were invented ~50 years after Enterprise.
The whole point of Scrum is to use the retrospective to stop doing what doesn’t work and start doing what does.
That is only something useful if you can use the retrospective to through out Scrum. Otherwise it is yet another Scrum timewaster.
you should keep the rituals that help you work better and discard the rest.
For those using Scrum, that means keep backlog list and discard everything else.
Unix loves to fork processes. So you get lots and lots of processes.
Well that sucks. At least Bill Joy, creator of VI, is still with us.
When I tried to ballpark it looking at my starships poster they seemed like they might be about the same. But you could be right, the Breen Dreadnaught could be certainly be the bigger ship.