This is awesome! “The Incredible Machine” seems like it’d work great too. It was a bit awkward to control in the browser (having to bring up the keyboard a few times), but I’ll have to try their app later.
This is awesome! “The Incredible Machine” seems like it’d work great too. It was a bit awkward to control in the browser (having to bring up the keyboard a few times), but I’ll have to try their app later.
And yeah Ur-Quan Masters didn’t play very well. I figured it would be better than nothing on a long flight, though. (But who am I kidding, I always have my laptop with me anyway)
You can either use on-screen touch controls, or you can press anywhere on the screen and have the ship move to that location (while constantly firing). The on-screen touch controls do not work very well for me, but the “follow my finger” method works pretty well. I think I made it through “hard” or maybe medium with it.
It’s not ideal, you have to stop moving to stop firing and let your generator catch up if your shields took a lot of damage. But it’s fun enough as a casual game if you have a few minutes to kill. Or maybe it’s just the nostalgia that makes me enjoy it.
And you trigger sidekicks or toggle weapon firing modes by pressing the info on the right side of the screen. I assume this was added for the mobile version, I didn’t think it was clickable in the original, though I doubt I ever tried it.
Awesome, thanks! I played Sonic when I was younger, but somehow I never tried any of the others you mentioned. I’ve been meaning to try the “Final Fantasy” series forever and it never occurred to me that it would work well on a phone.
Ahhh… memories are flooding back now. I remember the screen would get distorted and change into the mini game. Agreed, it was amazing and I also can’t believe it was hidden. I miss little gems like that in older video games.