I’m as big a fan of nuance as the next guy, but yeah I mean that’s pretty expensive for a lightning to usb dongle, let’s be honest.
I’m as big a fan of nuance as the next guy, but yeah I mean that’s pretty expensive for a lightning to usb dongle, let’s be honest.
I thought they were super convenient until I had to repair my phone and apple deleted my old sims because they thought there was a physical sim (there’s wasn’t). So I have to go to the agency for the sims I lost. One of them is in another country. So I won’t be able to get that until I go there again.
Fuck the wolves
Cuddle the wolves
This is going to be a boring answer but I use neovim. I do use it as my ide as well but it’s so fast and lightweight that when I need to edit a random config file or something, I just start another instance of it.