Where were computers invented in your mind? You could define computer multiple ways but some of the early things we called computers were indeed invented in the US, at MIT in at least one case.
Where were computers invented in your mind? You could define computer multiple ways but some of the early things we called computers were indeed invented in the US, at MIT in at least one case.
yeah emergency situations are definitely not a thing, you’re right
By sane standards, yes. By apple standards nope totally normal. I’d love to know how many billions they’ve made on cables and dongles which were only necessary because of intentional decisions they made. I probably would vomit though.
Also would be curious, how many people suffered or died due to not being able to charge their phone where a standard charger was available or vice versa for Android users?
I’ve been scoffed at for this idea before, but interoperability is extremely important, especially when you are talking about a major piece of society’s infrastructure. And phones ARE that. It’s hard to know the downstream effects of shit like this. All we know is that at best, millions of times people have had this conversation, needlessly as fuck:
“hey do you have a phone charger? I need a lightning cable.” “No I only have usb-c” (or vice versa)
The best outcome you can hope for is having to think about this and be annoyed several times in your life. For years I refused to buy lightning cables but due to several factors I have ended up needing to buy like 7 lightning cables despite never buying a single apple product that requires one.
And no, apple simps, I give not one shred of a fuck about your apple apologias, fuck off with them. Micro USB was better in the same way a qwerty keyboard is better. technically it’s inferior, but that doesn’t matter AT ALL, because 1) it’s a standard, and 2) it works.
Which is why no one said that. I read most of the article and I’m still not sure what you were annoyed about. I didn’t see anything US-centric, or even anglocentric really.