In typescript you dont comment before there you see the variable name and that (should be enough) and the type is there…
I am Rooki Cookie. I am a programmer and i try to help everyone :)
In typescript you dont comment before there you see the variable name and that (should be enough) and the type is there…
Yeah i programm a lot in python and typescript too. Even if i type something in python its still very weakly typed.
its like js but with extra steps WHY NOT USING TS then?
I dont get the third point. Its weirdly written.
Imagine not using typescript. The python community gaslighting the js community. Imagine a big project website, and all in plain js, + multiple devs. Thats is going to be a mess. Never going back from TS.
No but it feels redundant then to ask it anyways.
But then would you be like “Oh boy let me get slapped next time too”
Stack Overflow reached its maximum “duplicates”. So new users arent engaged on asking anything because it is of course already a duplicate of xyz.
I call it Season Hulu
Everything except everything on the switch