I’m not sure about if this is good or bad - we have very little info on why he was ousted in the first place.
I’m not sure about if this is good or bad - we have very little info on why he was ousted in the first place.
Off the top of my head I’d check - possibly with ISP
No idea what you mean with that statement.
For zigbee there’s a list of what works with what integration - other than that I usually google the device I’m eyeing and see what issues ppl are having
Speeds over 1gbps are still costly. Not like it used to be but still a cost driver. If you increase your amount to 350 you could use a 4mb 64gb like this
Slap opnsense or pfsense on it and you’re good to go - like this dude did
there’s a free trial and there’s the build tools that can run from the command line or vscode. Why not give it a try?
I believe the faster data would be perfect for people shooting ProRes video. I don’t need to empty my phone in under 12 seconds, so it’s not a must for my usage
I’ve had quite a few asus devices - some still running today. They’re great for non tinkering people.
What you can do is scavenge components like connectors and maybe reuse the plastic shell adding your own hw inside.
Signed: a windows user
Just bin it and promise yourself never to buy Asus routers/ap’s again. They are too fond of chipsets that have no open support.
Passing hw to rootless is hard. I think you’d need to match the groups inside the container to the host or make sure that the user can access the needed stuff from uid alone, as the group might not exist in the container and you end up groupless inside
Nice setup - I’ve been at eying the nanopi r4s for a while to use as fw.
A controversial suggestion, but you could read up and maybe take a few courses. While I love UX/interaction design you might want to start with UI design and design patterns. Once you get a basic UI and know when to implement different patterns you can move on and work on the UX.
I would suggest the same here, some learning is needed. There’s a reason you hire UX designers and not just more programmers.