DisplayPort 2.0 can 5k/120 with DSC and UHBR 10 cables, or 5k/120 without DSC on UHBR 13.5 cables. HDMI 2.1 can handle 5k/120 with DSC in use.
It’s not a bandwidth limitation.
DisplayPort 2.0 can 5k/120 with DSC and UHBR 10 cables, or 5k/120 without DSC on UHBR 13.5 cables. HDMI 2.1 can handle 5k/120 with DSC in use.
It’s not a bandwidth limitation.
The logistical cost to have separate connectors in two different markets would hit the multi-million dollar range. The financial benefit to Apple of not adopting USB-C in any given market cannot be that significant. It comes down to accessory license fees. Apple is losing that market with losing Lightning, but Apple’s image would take a hit from bisecting their connector across markets (“It just works” being their reputation and all — any unnecessary complexity harms that).
It’s really hard to imagine it being worth it to Apple to make USB-C an EU-only thing. I don’t know all the numbers, so I’m not going to say impossible. I would be very surprised though.
Pro Max prices have been static since their introduction with the 11: $1100 for the base model. Pro models have also been static at $1000, although this article only mentions Pro Max price increases.
That’s a big part of why I’m going to upgrade from my 12 mini.
Also looking forward to better battery life and the higher resolution camera (which if I remember right was mostly for low light pictures?).
Ah, screw the whole the thing.
Yes. Thunderbolt 5 supports DP 2.1, with up to 80 Gbit/s of bandwidth. A 5k/120 with 10 bit color and no DSC display needs 57 Gbit/s of bandwidth.