Canada. I’d appreciate any joke. Personal favourites include our Prime Minister’s blackface, or changing the words of the national anthem to be “our home on native land”, or suggesting that we have two official languages: English and Chinese.
Canada. I’d appreciate any joke. Personal favourites include our Prime Minister’s blackface, or changing the words of the national anthem to be “our home on native land”, or suggesting that we have two official languages: English and Chinese.
Hi. As a not American, I can say Americans get made fun of a lot by not Americans. We like to share these jokes with each other online, as not Americans also use the internet.
Largest prison population both in absolute size AND per capita. Also, random fact, their constitution allows prisoners to be forced into slave labour. Also, another random fact, their prisons are run for profit. None of these facts are related of course!
Your reliance on templates is weak. You cannot make a meme without a macro imagine, impact font, and bottom text. Modern memes are humour abstracted to its core essence.