Seems like a sensible overhaul, hitting the major issues with the fee, but still going ahead with a version of it. Big points for me:
- Not retroactive. Only affecting the next version of Unity, and you can even opt out of updating to skip the fee.
- Data is now reported by the customers. Still not sure how that plan to enforce this, but it’s a hell of a lot better than some arbitrary data collection scheme being baked into the game.
- Free version is excluded. No charging tiny side projects, or students or something, it only affects already paying customers.
Still not sure I love charging per install as a concept, and they’ve already overplayed their hand and burnt many bridges, but at least this implementation isn’t insanely hostile. Guess we’ll see how this plays out from here.
Asahi Linux is a project to get Linux running on M-series macs, which has taken a bunch of difficult reverse engineering, since Apple doesn’t really provide public documentation on how they work.
Running Linux means they can run steam games like a Linux machine. This is a pretty impressive landmark in terms of their OpenGL rendering support.