Thanks for the card holder recommendation!! I was just sitting here trying to figure out what to get my boardgame peeps for their birthdays and needed something by this weekend. This should be perfect.
Thanks for the card holder recommendation!! I was just sitting here trying to figure out what to get my boardgame peeps for their birthdays and needed something by this weekend. This should be perfect.
You should. My best friend hates adding water to his keurig machine. So he designed a float and such, mailed me the tank lid and components with a diagram of how they should fit. I designed and built the rack that fits on the lid and mailed it all back to him. Works like a charm.
Shuffle a couple of them together. It makes a crazy game even crazier.
Have you tried Fluxx? Not sure it’s a game you can ‘Master’, but it does have some fun moments, and moments when you know a decision you make can totally change the game.
Good list.
Railroad Ink - $3.19 $7.99
Well shit. I rescind my recommendation. I have the expansion sitting in the box because every time I have played recently, it’s been with someone else’s copy of the game. I was looking forward to getting to use them. Was…
Agree with you. Love Azul. For your last negative, look at the Crystal Mosaic Expansion. It has acrylic board holders that have slots to help keep tiles and the score marker in place.
I had played a ton of arcade games, atari 2600, atari 800, intellivision, og nintendo games but it was San Francisco Rush on the N64 where I had to stop playing because my eyes hurt. I realized I hadn’t blinked in an hour or so, I was that immersed in the experience. It was absolutely mind boggling to me at the time.