This looks interesting, thanks for sharing! I’ve played around a bit in Tinkercad (too limited) and Fusion 360 (complicated) but haven’t found something that feels right yet. I bookmarked this to follow what you find!
I’m just this guy, you know?
This looks interesting, thanks for sharing! I’ve played around a bit in Tinkercad (too limited) and Fusion 360 (complicated) but haven’t found something that feels right yet. I bookmarked this to follow what you find!
Thank you! I have the full Tower of Power, but don’t have a Genesis Everdrive… this may be the push I need to get one!
This sounds super cool! Is this a romhack of the 32x cart, that would need to be run from something like an Everdrive, or is it somehow running from the Sega CD, off of a burned disk? It sounds like the former, but I’ve never heard of a 32x cart accessing the Sega CD, just the other way around.
Thank you for continuing to write these reviews! As a relatively new 8-bit computer fan (I was team IBM PC back in the day) I adore the seeing the pros and cons of each port in each platform. I’ll be firing this up on my C64 later to experience it, and might try to get it going on emulators for the others.
That’s always been my feeling too. I think Mario can run faster, and Luigi can jump a little higher, but Peach just controls better. Who knows what kind of maniac would choose Toad.
Ditto! I’ve been playing with 8-bit assembly programming and it’s fascinating how this mechanic was implemented in just a couple bytes of level data.