Also this doggo is absolutely adorable in that costume
The wrong two of those actors are dead. ☹️
It should have been Shatner, twice.
I’ve been called “a giant faggot” but I’m medium at most. ♥️
Also this doggo is absolutely adorable in that costume
The wrong two of those actors are dead. ☹️
It should have been Shatner, twice.
I’m 100% sure your search history is troubling.
Still not as racist as you tho
Are… are you arguing “fascist” is a race?
Because yeah, I hate fascists.
Unsure how opposing racism is conflated with doing racism in your view.
The way he talks sounds like he’s still a white nationalist.
So if someone didn’t want to be gone balls deep in, they might offer a bit o’ the Berkshire Hafaway?
“Jadzia… how does one know if they are …fe-male?”
As I’ve never seen Inception I wouldn’t know. I have only seen the original by the guy who did Tokyo Godfathers.
I never looked away.
I keep a framed copy on my altar and pray to it as an icon.
It reminds me to be open with others and to look deep inside myself, as well as to keep a firm grip on things.
Shouldn’t one of those fingers have a ring on it?
never get anything like it again
That isn’t quite true until you’ve finished these four episodes of the pseudo-canon radioplay Alone Together where Garak and Bashir Quarantine from Space Covid.
Did I hear my name?
My junk is fully functional
conjunction’d with my funk I pull
hot people to my steeple
Come on time—my spunk is punctual
Them titties is the is the tonic for these pathways positronic
I just can’t keep cool and calm when them bomb boobies hit my conics
I’m hungry for the action got my ass usin’ contractions
I am fit to split that slit faster than I can factor fractions
Scope the porn fair
'fore my Pon Far
On my date like
Data on Yar
And even referring to Jack, “We had no other children” would be true.
How was that a lie?
You aren’t dying. You’re just moving.
It’s constantly copying itself through cell division and gene replication.
If any entity that affects the world in the exact way I would is affecting the world the way I would have it affected, “I” exist.
My dreams, memories, hopes, and desires propagate through what we call existence and there is zero difference if i was stored in a computer for a little while and or there is two of me.
Of course they wouldn’t mourn you. You’d still exist and everything is gravy.
I see no reason to execute me when I could just fuck my clone, but if there were a copy of my and a bomb was set to go off I’d chill in one perspective’s last moments.
Leonard Nimoy and the animal actor who portrayed the Alfa 177 canine (in all likelyhood) are both dead.
I would prefer a world where a cute happy dog and Leonard Nimoy were still with us and William Shatner had died, twice.