1 year agoMine does too now. But I got a bad batch of pla and I could have sworn the sender was the shittiest printer on the market. It was off line for a year before I tried again. I recently switched back to that old roll because I wanted the color, and that shit peeled up and warped to hell again. Now I know for sure that spool of PLA is bad
I have a wireless button next to my couch that toggles on and off the lights, and double click it to toggle the fan.
I added a bottom to my Apple Watch to toggle my garage doors, and chicken cook door.
All my light switches have a double click action programmed in for whatever is convenient at that location. Single click for the overhead lights, double click for the movie lighting, long press toggles the fan.
My solar panels send me a text when my battery bank is getting close to full and then triggers my car charger to turn on so that the excess power gets dumped into my cars instead of going to waste