Depressingly accurate
Depressingly accurate
Discovery, to me, is simply action SciFi. But what makes Star Trek Star Trek to me, isn’t present at all. No self contained little adventures with moral conundrums, etc.
I’m simply not the target audience for that show, so to what I want out of Star Trek, it’s not good but rather terrible. If it were simply some random SciFi Action thing, maybe, okay.
I get why they want to show the “The federation isn’t flawless either” argument, but it is being done in the most hanfisted way possible.
The most recent episode of Strange New Worlds was an okay take on it, highlighting some hypocrisy in it all, but we really don’t have enough information on the legal system to understand if any of it even matters.
I agree. The Federation as a well established monolithic structure around exploration, peace and dialogue helps frame everything else that happens in the show.
Throw that out of the window and what are we left with.
Maybe it is just a symptom of this whole “This is THE HERO” thing that popular story telling has shifted towards. Picard was undoubtedly an important and great captain. He certainty had those “everything hinges on what he and his crew do next” moments, but there were always others out there alongside him. Losing Picard was a blow to the federation when he became locutus. But it didn’t break them.
Now watching more modern Star Trek it feels like the only people worthwhile in the entire federation are the people on screen right now and their renegade shenanigans.
Absolutely, yeah. I like the levity of it and the recurring jokes, but they do tackle a whole lot of really difficult topics and do it really, really well. That’s how it’s very Trek like and why I love it.
Not to mention: It’s actually nice and bright. I always loved that about old Star Trek. Why does modern Star Trek insist on everything looking like the inside of Darth Vaders helmet?
Man. Very well put. Very, very well put. I’m so sad that Discovery was as it was. It’s not Star Trek to me. I was excited to see how it started out. Things I wanted to see ever since I was a kid. And then it just doesn’t do what Star Trek is supposed to do.
To me in each episode (or episode arc) we need an internal and external problem that have no apparent solutions and are worked out towards the end of it all. Self-Contained episodes with ongoing character changes and evolution. Not… “dark gritty” whatever the heck this is.
I’d also strongly suggest watching The Orville @dumples That’s the most Star Trek show in the past few years, despite being a bit more light hearted. Heck, even Avenue 5 is worth a watch to scratch some of that Star Trek itch.
I think Alexsander is one of the main reasons I won’t ever have children.