I like the idea in principle. For it to be worth using though, it needs to output readable Bash.
I like the idea in principle. For it to be worth using though, it needs to output readable Bash.
is also used to declare values in better languages than JavaScript, such as Haskell and ML family languages like OCaml and F#
Get around to it, F# is fantastic! 😄
Yeah that seems suspicious. F# is pretty succinct.
Congrats! Not only is it nice to be able to get more done in your IDE, but JetBrains data tools have a lot of rich functionality. When you add a connection, it will default to bring local to the current project, but you can promote them to be global and available from all projects if you’re in a multi project situation like I am.
I like Nord for its cool colors and wide availability of ports. Code, Rider, and Terminal all have a nice consistent look on my machine.
Every game feels fresh. The best digital adaptation of a board game I’ve played too.
I hear your concerns about DI frameworks and I agree it would be preferable if their config could somehow be validated at compile time instead of runtime. That being said, in my experience, runtime issues are fairly rare. Some DI frameworks even provide a simple method you can call at runtime to validate config at startup. Furthermore, you can use the DI pattern without a framework— design your classes accordingly, then create and inject the dependencies yourself instead. The point is to program against abstractions to make your code more testable, and while a framework can automate away some of the bookkeeping, you can dispense with using a framework for any of a number of valid reasons.
That would be a good solution most of the time, yes
Because you still need to be able to understand what’s actually getting executed. There’s no debugger so you’ll still be debugging Bash.