Apple said that the device may feel warmer in the first few days. Third-party apps also causing the issue have included the game Asphalt 9, Meta's Instagram, and Uber, the company said.
I’m still quite curious what caused the issue for Instagram on the iPhone 15 to use more resources than the previous phones. They’re not that different I think.
On user devices that may be the case, but display units don’t have it installed, and all of them were still almost uncomfortably hot at times, in my local store
Huh, guess that guy that anecdotally said insta might be the issue was right
I’m still quite curious what caused the issue for Instagram on the iPhone 15 to use more resources than the previous phones. They’re not that different I think.
On user devices that may be the case, but display units don’t have it installed, and all of them were still almost uncomfortably hot at times, in my local store