I haven’t enjoyed TNG really at all so I slowed down on my journey of watching all of Star Trek in order. However tonight I decided to watch a episode. That episode was The Measure Of A Man. This episode is truly a diamond in the rough in my opinion. This episode is exactly why I fell in love with Star Trek in the first place! A show where it’s not all surrounded by endless fighting or war. A show that demonstrates how powerful a voice can be. I don’t wanna spoil this episode for anyone who hasn’t watched it so I highly recommend to go watch it as soon as possible. I’ll say this however. Data and Picard and Rikker are now my favorite trio after this episode ❤️

  • maegul@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    So I’m presuming you are watching TNG for the first time.

    Yes, it’s widely known that S1 and S2 can be a rough ride and that the show doesn’t find its footing until S3.

    That being said, from memory, and I’m sure there’ll be argument here about this, while S1 has problems, S2 is arguably the real beginning of the show “getting good”. The main problem with S2 is that it’s got diamonds like this episode and then some bad stuff too that’s probably worse than the worst in S1. The variation is as big as it gets in the show, with this episode being in many top-10 lists of the whole show.

    • theinspectorst@kbin.social
      2 years ago

      Season 2 is where the show proverbially ‘grows the beard’ - Riker’s literal beard being the trope-namer. But agree that a lot of that is just in comparison to the general level of Season 1 being weak. There are some other very good and important episodes in Season 2 though, like Q Who.

      Season 3 is then where TNG really takes off and becomes quite consistent.

    • WonkoTheSane@geddit.social
      2 years ago

      Yea, I usually tell people to watch this episode then jump to season 3. If they love the show they’ll obviously go back to season 1 out of a curiosity