when i was growing up i genuinely wanted to be a silicon valley programmer guy (in a good way i mean i was like 15); used to look forward to the keynotes like a playoff game
cook is so fucking dry, zero juice
The guy was a MASTER salesman. People like Musk would kill to be that smooth on stage.
The only parts of current Apple events that get close to that magic are the sections hosted by Craig Federighi.
Yeah, Craig has his moments. Thing is, Steve could be cool and a bit alluring. Craig has a habit of taking it a bit too far into “silly,” but I don’t mind.
Even the pre-iPhone ones were pretty crazy. He’d make you want to go out and buy the thing even if you didn’t need it. I distinctively remember going and “finding” a beta of OSX before it was publicly released after seeing one of his first key notes back (I don’t exactly remember why I was there, but I was). [“…It’s Liquid- makes you want to lick it…”]
looking back, kind of scary really…